ABA Connection Services
ABA Connection provides clinic, in-home, community, and school-based Behavioral Services in St. Augustine, Florida and its surrounding counties. Contact us today to see how we can help you or your loved ones. We currently serve St. Johns, Duval, and Putnam counties.
We teach our clients, and those working and living with them, tools to enhance the quality of their lives using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Our Covered Services

Adult Day Training
ABA Connection's Adult Day Training Clinic is designed to help build employability, social skills, and independence.

ABA Therapy
Social Skills Training
Anger Management
Compliance Training
Safety Skills Training
Much More!

Continuing Education
Maintain BACB credentials
Education from anywhere!
Education at any time!
Learn straight from the Research
Affordable CEUs always!

RBT Supervision
Observation & Feedback
Professional Development
BACB Supervision
Supervision Tracking

BACB Supervised Fieldwork
BACB Supervision for BCBA and BCaBA supervisees
Prepare for your next career
Remote supervision services available

We Believe
If we don't appreciate our clients, someone else will.
ABA Connection's mission is to better the lives of all of our clients to provide a healthier, happier, more whole environment in our clinic, family homes, schools, communities, and more.
Have we Gotten Your Attention yet?
If you would like to learn more, please visit our Resources page for helpful information or feel free to contact us either through the Contact form within this website or call our office today: (904) 201-9129
Ready For Exceptional Results?
Our families show the most improvement when there is full committment to the process. This means we collaborate, have consistency with schedules and routines, and place the client's needs above our own.